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Planning for a future that includes Gen AI is dominating conversation. But what can be done right now? In this TV cast, we’ll bring the abstract into reality, and focus on how this technology is already in action and hard at work across government. We’ll look at the use cases at scale underway, best practices, and lessons learned to better illustrate where Gen AI is making an impact and changing the way government is delivering its mission in new ways and creating greater value and better outcomes.
We’ll look at:
- Best practices in defining use cases and pilot projects
- Technology delivery successes
- Lessons learned to define and deliver value and outcomes
Federal Gen AI in Action
Dr. Lynne Graves, Chief, Artificial Intelligence Division, Department of the U.S. Air Force
Pritha Mehra, Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President, U.S. Postal Service
Dr. Viveca Pavon-Harr, Director of Applied Intelligence Discovery Lab, Accenture Federal Services
Troy Schneider, President, GovExec 360