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After several high-profile cyber incidents resulting from exploited vulnerabilities, the Office of Management and Budget released a memorandum (M-22-09) in 2022 that requires agencies to adopt a Federal Zero-Trust architecture. This new architecture includes a key element: requiring agencies to meet specific cyber standards, including application security testing, by the end of 2024.
Industry partners providing software and services to agencies are also required to provide proof of security assessments and perform continuous monitoring and application security testing.
Most software applications are not monolithic. They’re composed of many types of code — some proprietary and some open source software. Effective application testing requires using tools that can automate the testing process and easily evolve as the software changes.
Join GovExec and Checkmarx North America CISO Peter Chestna as they discuss the lessons agencies have learned about supply chain security with experts from the public sector and systems integrators. They’ll address the top threats to your open source supply chain and strategies that will minimize your risk.