Salesforce | How to Vet Vendors, Identify Foreign Relationships, and Acquire at the Speed of Mission - Home
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Salesforce | How to Vet Vendors, Identify Foreign Relationships, and Acquire at the Speed of Mission

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This event has been postponed - please stay tuned!

The logistician faces unique and dynamic challenges, from geopolitical disruptions to foreign-sourced threats, and limited sources for critical parts. Hear peers share their insights and strategies to de-risk supply chains, speed up contracting processes, and ‌meet mission-critical timelines. This session is designed to foster learning, collaboration, and showcase cutting-edge innovation.  

In this session, you will:

  • See how to observe, orient, decide, and act in one place through effective Supplier Relationship Management (SRM).
  • Learn how to create a unified view of critical supply chains.
  • Hear peers share insights and best practices to secure supply chains.

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