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Evolving technology, increased talent demands, and changing missions have required federal leaders to stay flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of their workforce. In doing so, agencies are seeking to promote data-driven decisions, investments in emerging technologies, and an overall modernization effort to increase productivity and collaboration. While many leaders continue to grapple with their strategy to transform hybrid workforce management from a contingency plan to a long-term standard, others are paving the way for a forward-thinking hybrid approach. 

Join GovExec and HP as we sit down with leadership from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to discuss their approach to building an efficient and effective hybrid workforce, hear success stories in management, and better understand the landscape of workforce modernization within the Department of Health and Human Services as a whole. 

Securing a Hybrid Future: Transforming Technology for the Workforce


Tia Butler, Chief Human Capital Officer, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Brian Lau, Future of Work Product Manager, HP

Stephen Pieraldi, Distinguished Technologist, HP

Tim Rahschulte, Chief Executive Officer, The Professional Development Academy