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In the modern age, as digital technologies have become more sophisticated, services have become increasingly user friendly and the public expects the same level of service from the government as they’d get from any private sector organization. Focusing on customer experience during development and implementation creates services that are easier to use, access, and understand, thereby allowing government agencies to provide more value and to more effectively deliver on their mission to the public. When it comes to successfully delivering customer services, mission experts, and technologists must come together to build effective, innovative and reliable solutions. Join GovExec as we talk with government and industry experts about the importance of customer experience design and how different roles contribute to the products that are crucial towards helping government agencies achieve mission success through improved customer service.

Kevin Hoffman
Director of Design, Office of the CTO
Department of Veterans Affairs

Jeffrey Levy
Digital Platforms Director
Department of State
Jeffrey is a lifelong civil service employee and a strong believer in servant leadership. He has led federal websites and social media for 30 years to help the public accomplish what they want to do online. Jeffrey currently serves as the director of the Bureau of Global Public Affairs’ Office of Platforms, which manages state.gov, the primary Department website; the Mission Website Platform, on which about 200 missions around the world build their websites; and an internal system for providing public diplomacy materials to State Department colleagues. Beyond his office, Jeffrey chairs State’s Web Council and co-chairs the Digital Experience Council. Before coming to State in May 2020, he led digital communications for 15 years at the Environmental Protection Agency and six years at US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Jeffrey has also been a leader in interagency digital policy efforts since 2000. He holds a bachelor's degree in physics and a master’s degree in public administration. Jeffrey’s wife teaches kindergarten. Their daughters are 24 (teaching English in Spain) and 27 (working for a skin care startup in Boston). Jeffrey loves backpacking, playing volleyball and pickleball, and finding new angles for photography.

Will Healy
Senior Vice President
Booz Allen