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Become A GAIN Sponsor
Thank you to all our sponsors for supporting GAIN 2024! Interested in joining us for GAIN 2025? Please reach out to Angela at awatts@govexec.com to see what opportunities there are!
GAIN 2024 brings together the brightest minds and fastest-growing brands in the government marketplace. Experience real-world stories behind successful marketing campaigns and learn tricks of the trade from field experts. Packed with dynamic speakers, cutting-edge insights, and innovative talks, GAIN 2024 was was the opportunity to connect with the most influential government marketing community.
Sponsors had the opportunity to:
INFLUENCE government marketing budget influencers and decision makers by advancing your solutions through tactical brand advancement opportunities deployed before, during and after GAIN 2024
MAXIMIZE your marketing dollars and time by gaining visibility with key government marketers during this year’s GAIN conference
SHOWCASE your products and services on our online GMarkU Vendor Marketplace
LEVERAGE this moment to identify new prospects and foster meaningful relationships with existing customers
The Best Part: GAIN attendees were able to see what services and products our sponsors had to offer!
Sponsorship Levels:
Networking Reception
Exclusive Registration Underwriter
Gold Underwriter
Small Business Underwriter
Interested in learning more? Contact Angela at awatts@govexec.com to find the sponsorship opportunity that best suits your brand.