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In today’s landscape, agencies managing construction capital programs and projects face the challenge of delivering more with fewer resources. Shrinking budgets, tighter timelines, and increasing demands from Congress place federal construction leaders under immense pressure to deliver programs successfully. Leveraging accurate, real-time data is essential for making informed decisions and streamlining project management operations. But how can leaders empower their teams to achieve high-quality outcomes despite varying constraints?
This session will feature insights from public sector leaders on how they are using technology to optimize full life-cycle processes, minimize waste, and enhance operational efficiency. They will discuss how integrated, data-driven solutions are transforming forecasting, improving data integrity, and providing the transparency needed to ensure accountability. The panel will also explore strategies for reducing reliance on manual data aggregation, delivering clearer insights into project health, and holding teams accountable for delivering results.

Dr. Priscilla Kelly
Lead Data Scientist
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC)

Dr. Priscilla Kelly
Lead Data Scientist
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC)

Rob Schrack
National Sales Manager - Federal,

Rob Schrack
National Sales Manager - Federal,