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Join Us June 28 at 1:00 p.m.

Currently, across the public sector, mission leaders are furiously working to support key data-focused mission objectives by enabling users across agencies to operationalize data rapidly for a myriad of analytics use cases. These use cases range from simply improving decision support capabilities through more effective data visualization and dashboards, to enabling data scientists to rapidly build and test artificial intelligence (AI) models that can be deployed into production for national security missions.


In this webcast we will explore:

  • How leveraging a Data Mesh will drive self-service analytics 
  • How Data Mesh can enable agencies to break down data silos and decentralized data ownership
  • The critical role of self-service analytics in agency modernization and how it empowers users at all levels to access, analyze, and derive insights from data 
  • How agencies can foster a data-driven culture, expedite decision-making, and drive innovation through self-service analytics capabilities.


Revolutionizing Agency Modernization: Harnessing the Power of Data Mesh and Self-service Analytics.