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Tune in September 23, 2024 at 2PM ET!
Agencies across government are on the cusp of a major digital transformation, driven by the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into its operations. As customer interactions and work becomes more dynamic there is a pressing need for transformation that will reshape how customers and employees are served, enhance efficiency, personalization, and overall service delivery. AI is poised to play a critical role in program delivery by automating routine tasks, providing data-driven insights, and enabling more responsive and adaptive services. Amidst these transformative shifts, a fundamental question arises: How can organizations securely implement AI while aligning with mission goals and improving service delivery and customer experiences?
Join GovExec as we talk with federal government leaders who are embracing AI to make agency services more accessible, efficient, and user-friendly. Learn how agency leaders are making AI work for people and ensuring that advanced technologies are implemented in a way that benefits both employees and customers.
Vinay Singh
Chief AI Officer
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Mr. Vinay V. Singh is passionate about process and project management. He has been in numerous leadership roles in the private sector for over 25 years, spanning accounting, finance, technology & operations management spheres. He is a Certified Public Accountant.
He joins us from the Small Business Administration where he helped implement a new mission for the Office of Disaster Assistance. Prior to this he was Lead Partner, World Bank Group and Chief Operating Officer for KPMG in India where he led many teams all aligned to achieving operational excellence.
His work in the private sector provided him an opportunity to learn and lead teams with Closing the books; SEC Reporting; IT and Business Auditing; Business Process design, Budgets & Reporting, Governance, Risk & Compliance; Technology implementations (Oracle, SAP) and Organizational restructuring. The critical thread across roles is Program, Process and Project Management. Leadership is enabling the right culture for people to pursue their passions. It is only then you can focus on – Doing the right thing, the right way, getting them done well and getting the benefits.
During his time with the International Trade Administration as Deputy Assistant Secretary, he also learned how to balance priorities and execute complex tasks with multiple stakeholders inside the Federal Government. It was here where he worked on Infrastructure and Smart Cities and learned that housing is the core pillar of not only economic growth but individual and community integration.
Mr. Singh is passionate about communities. He has lived in many countries but acknowledges his time in small town Dover, Pennsylvania as his most treasured. Small towns are what make America great. Communities that are connected enable economic prosperity for all.
As CFO, he looks forward to working to achieve the Secretary’s vision and the Departmental mission of creating strong, sustainable, and inclusive communities. He takes his responsibility as HUD’s fiscal steward seriously and will collaborate to continue strengthening compliance frameworks which ultimately enable the Program Offices to deliver on its fundamental mission of affordable homes, for all.
In April 2023, Mr. Singh began exploring how AI would accelerate ongoing financial transformation efforts to benefit the Department. In November 2023, a few weeks after Executive Order #14110, HUD announced Mr. Singh would take on the additional role of Chief AI Officer with HUD. As such, he was named Vice Chair for the AI@HUD Governance Board where he leads agency efforts for safe, secure and trustworthy artificial intelligence, including coordinating, promoting innovation, and managing risks across Program and Support offices.
CFO Singh was born in Bangalore, India and has lived in Bremen, Germany; Toronto, Canada and Dover, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of York College of Pennsylvania and has an MBA from Widener University.
Anthony Flot
Chief Technology Officer
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
Read MoreAnthony Flot
Chief Technology Officer
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS)
David Larrimore
Chief Technology Officer
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Jonathan Alboum
Federal CTO
Jonathan Alboum
Federal CTO