Swish | GIST 2024 - On Demand Detail

On Demand Video

Breakout Track 1: Exploring Generative AI Use Cases for Government

Location: Theater
AI is a significant change for the U.S. government, enhancing operational efficiency, productivity, and decision-making. The introduction of generative AI has expanded opportunities and promises to revolutionize work. As more organizations embrace it and integrate it into daily processes, the buzz around generative AI will continue to grow. However, it also presents potential risks, emphasizing the need for trust, cybersecurity, privacy, accuracy, transparency, and governance.

In the course of this discussion, AI leaders will delve deep into the realm of generative AI, seeking to reveal the yet-untapped potential it holds for government applications. Their exploration will unearth real-world use cases that have the capacity to facilitate swift data analysis, particularly when dealing with sensitive private information, all the while upholding principles of responsibility and security.


Amanda Bullock, Ph.D., AI Lead, Air Force Research Laboratory
Mangala Kuppa, Chief Technology Officer, Department of Labor
Lisa Einstein, Senior Advisor for Artificial Intelligence & Executive Director, Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
Sean Applegate, Chief Technology Officer, Swish

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